Thursday, April 28, 2011

A bit of black and white: Photo a day #92 and #93

I guess I'm on a black and white kick, this makes three of the last four photos that I've posted saturation-free.

I managed to ruin the sounds and notifications on my cell phone when I attempted to set up an ssh daemon on it yesterday, decided to take a picture of the uncovered back while I was re-flashing it.

April 27 2011, Photo a day #92

This morning on my way to work I stopped by a bit of road that got ruined by the spring run-off.

April 28 2011, Photo a day #93

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Connaught Armoury: Photo a day #91

My usual photos of random buildings I find interesting are changing somewhat now that I'm using a 50mm prime lens instead of the 18-55mm zoom. I'll probably get an 18-55mm or 18-70mm back into the rotation at some point, or get a wide zoom, but in the meantime you can expect to see a lot of parts of buildings as opposed to whole buildings.

On that note, this is part of the "Connaught Armoury" which hasn't actually been used as an armoury since the 60's. The building has been occupied by a number of restaurants and clubs, but currently is Youth Emergency Shelter facility.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekend shots: Photo a day #87-#90

It was an extra long weekend for me, and I was quite pleased with my photos despite being fairly busy.

April 22 2011, Photo a day #87 - Windmill at sunset

April 23 2011, Photo a day #88 - Decorating eggs

April 24 2011, Photo a day #89 - Flowers

April 25 2011, Photo a day #90 - Chained gate

Friday, April 22, 2011

A week in pictures: Photo a day #80-86

Wow, haven't posted any of my daily photos for a week ...

April 15 2011, Photo a day #80 - Splash

April 16 2011, Photo a day #81 - Pipe

April 17 2011, Photo a day #82 - Cross

April 18 2011, Photo a day #83 - Wood

April 19 2011, Photo a day #84 - Stop

April 20 2011, Photo a day #85 - Statue

April 21 2011, Photo a day #86 - Fleece

Friday, April 15, 2011

Beer in a wine glass: Photo a day #79

A tradition of sorts at a friend's place, also another excuse to play with apertures wider than I previously could! This was done at f/2.8


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mall decor: Photo a day #78

This was really more of a test of the Nikon AF 50mm f/1.4 D lens I picked up about 5 minutes before this picture was taken than anything else. This is pretty much straight out of the camera, I didn't even adjust the white balance.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Catching up: Photo a day #73, #74, #75, and #76

I guess this is the furthest I've fallen behind posting my pictures, probably won't be the last time though.

April 8 2011, Photo a day #73 - Cribbage

April 9 2011, Photo a day #74 - Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital

April 10 2011, Photo a day #75 - Dried Rose

April 11 2011, Photo a day #76

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New shoes: Photo a day #72

... at least they were new earlier this week, apparently they're already showing signs of wear. I was attempting a product advertisement feel with this.


Gurdwara Siri Guru Singh Sabha: Photo a day #71

Sikh Gurdwara in the Mill Woods area.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Beth Israel Synagogue: Photo a day #69

By the end of the year I'll be able to direct people of any faith to the house of worship of their choice.


Weekend shots: Photo a day #67 and #68

It was a beautiful weekend with blue skies here, and I didn't intend to pass it up!  Unfortunately I neglected to check out the name of the church I randomly came across on Saturday, I'll have to go by there again sometime and update my caption

April 2 2011, Photo a day #67 - Unknown church

April 3 2011, Photo a day #68 - Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Anthony

Friday, April 1, 2011

Off course: Photo a day #66

Saw this car on my way to work today, must have been miserable getting out of the car when it happened.
