Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Toy

I got a chance to pick up a 1992 Civic hatchback, thanks to a friend moving. It needs a fair bit of work, but it should be a ton of fun (and save me a bunch on fuel costs when it's back on the road) DSC_8500

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Not Quite Daily Photos

So my daily photos are already falling behind, so I'm going to nip this in the bud and drop any notion of doing a photo every day. I'll certainly try to take one or more every day, but I won't sweat it if I miss.

Of course now I can't simply post "Daily photo #4,509,652-4,509,671" and have it containing whatever random photo I happened to take, I might actually have to start putting more thought into these blog posts and trying to group photos together into themes of some sort. Quite frankly, it's a daunting prospect.

Consider the mixed bag I present here:

Festival Place - June 6 2012

DSC_8468_8469 Diptych
Spray painting fun - June 8 2012

Strathcona High School - June 11 2012

"Bard Residence" - June 11 2012
Downtown Edmonton from the river valley - June 12 2012

"Edmonton Queen" Riverboat - June 12 2012
If anyone can help me find the thread of a theme through here I'd be glad to hear it!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Daily Photos 4-7

I guess I'm a week into my renewed daily photo taking. Friday night I worked quite late, as I was waiting for some files to transfer so I could go home I decided to snap a self-portrait of sorts in the driveway.
Daily Photo #4, June 1 2012
I didn't venture far from home on Saturday (when I took a picture at a nearby park) or Sunday (when I took a picture in my back yard).
Daily Photo #5, June 2 2012

Daily Photo #6, June 3 2012
Tonight I took a drive into Edmonton proper and saw an interesting window on the Hardisty Fitness and Leisure Centre. If I suddenly go missing tomorrow it will be because an old lady must have thought I was planting a bomb or something. She came up and asked what I was doing when I got back to my car, and didn't look very convinced when I told her I was taking a picture of a window ...
Daily Photo #7, June 4 2012