Sunday, October 24, 2010

The deconstruction of Harry III

I've been silently looking for some inspiration in photography lately.  It's not that I find anything particular lacking in the shots I've been taking, nor is there any shortage of inspiring photography out there to draw from, but I've been missing an idea of sorts ... an idea for a shoot or a subject to break me out of my norm a bit.  The idea of breaking out my camera at work certainly wasn't that idea, but tonight as I looked out at a mannequin spilled open on a table combined with some odd makeshift lighting and magnification I'd implemented to simply to make work easier I decided it'd make some pretty interesting subject matter.

If you've stayed with me through that brief introduction I present to you a short series of photographs dedicated to the idea that anything can be ripped open and probed to determine exactly what makes it tick.  Sources of lighting for this shoot were a fluorescent light built into an arm mounted magnifying lens I use to do electronics work (I also put the magnifying lens to work in a couple of pictures) and a simple halogen work light suspended from the ceiling.  No post-processing or editing was done at all, though I would like to remedy that at a later date.

Higher resolution pictures can be found in my Gallerama album

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