Saturday, October 16, 2010

Introduction Appendix B: On Piercings and Tattoos

I have somewhat of an affinity for tattoos and piercings, though I should note that I'm neither heavily tattooed nor heavily pierced with only three small tattoos and nine piercings). I have had, on occasion, the question "why?" posed to me regarding piercings (oddly enough the same question doesn't seem to get asked about tattoos). The answer is simply that I like them and that I tend to get curious about what it's like to have different locations pierced. It only hurts for a couple of seconds and they're easily removable, so it seems like a fairly benign interest to pursue.

I've been sitting on this blog post for a couple of days now and I'm not feeling particularly wordy, so here's just a quick bit of info about what I've currently got.

  • One on each wrist (daughter's names).
  • One on my back (Black and Red Nautical Star).

  • 10g left and right ear lobes.
  • 16g left "Auricle Piercing", it's like a helix piercing but specifically only mid-way up the ear.
  • 16g right helix.
  • 16g left daith.
  • 14g labret.
  • 14g tongue.
  • One more that isn't polite to discuss in mixed company ...
  • I've also had my eyebrow and left helix pierced, but took those out long ago (as I did with my first tongue piercing).


  1. I don't think 9 is nearly enough piercings...

  2. Hah, you would!

    We both know that count will continue it's slow ascension :)
